DNOW Registration is $40 per student.
Other Registrations for students in the same household.
Medical Release and Insurance Information
The undersigned as parent or guardian of the person(s) listed above, hereby authorizes any staff members and/or adult sponsor who may be supervising or directing any activity sponsored by the First Baptist Church, Greenwood, Arkansas, to authorize emergency medical treatment for the person listed above while this person is participating in any trip, excursion, or activity sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Greenwood, Arkansas.
Furthermore, I release the first Baptist Church, it's staff, employees, and sponsors from any liability for personal injury, damage or loss that the above named person may sustain even if such personal injury or other loss is caused by the ordinary negligence of the First Baptist Church, it's employees, staff members or designated sponsors.
I agree to allow the staff and sponsors selected by the First Baptist Church to discipline my child during any activities if, in the sole judgement of such staff sponsor or other designated sponsor, such discipline is necessary. I have explained to my child the attitude and actions expected during such activities. If any staff sponsor or other designated sponsor deems it necessary for my child to return from any trip due to illness, injury, or misconduct, I agree to be responsible for all costs associated with such a return trip.
By typing your name below you agree to these statements.
This information will be requested by the physician and medical facility in the event of an emergency. Please help us by making sure you give complete and correct information. This medical release form will be kept on file at the church office.